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This is how you create mental muscles

Mentale spierballen creëer je zo

Many people think that strength training is only good for building physical muscle mass. Logical, but the benefits go much further. Strength training also has a profound positive effect on your mental health. In this blog, Rémon Koetje, Lifestyle coach and trainer at Happy Bodies, explains how strength training also contributes to a healthier mind, increased stress resistance and a general sense of well-being.

The Science Behind Sweat and Serotonin

Strength training strengthens your muscles, but there is much more going on in your body. Every lift and every squat increases your serotonin levels – the happiness hormone. This will improve your mood and give you a sense of accomplishment after each workout. Regularly boosting these 'happy chemicals' will help you manage stress and reduce feelings of depression.

Feel stronger, be stronger

In addition to building physical strength, strength training also increases your mental resilience. The challenges you overcome during your workout, such as lifting a new personal record, can give your confidence a huge boost. This confidence carries over into how you approach daily challenges, improving your overall mental well-being.

Body and mind in connection

Strength training requires not only physical exertion, but also mental focus. This mind-body connection during your workout helps you to be more in the 'now'. A beautiful form of mindfulness that can help you to lower your overall stress level and increase your body awareness, which is very important for emotional regulation.

The power of routine

Regular strength training provides a reliable structure to your life. A structure that is not only good for your body, but also for mental stability. Believe it or not, a structured strength training routine helps you reduce anxiety.

Knowing more?

Curious how you too can get more mental muscle by training twice 35 minutes every ten days, under the guidance of your own personal lifestyle coach? Even if you have physical complaints? Then do the membership test and sign up for a free personal introductory meeting and tour of the club. Want to bet that you are immediately sold?

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