100 kg weight loss challenge


“To get rid of the holiday kilos within 8 weeks!”

Join the 100 kg Weight Loss Challenge!

Together we strive for 100 kg weight loss
✅ Motivate each other and share success stories
And win a clothing size less yourself

🎁 Now 50% discount: from €40,00 for €19.99 per week

NB! Still 9 places available

Our members say


"Because the machines are automatically set to your personal settings and fitness level, it is even possible for me to exercise without injury."



"Because of the advanced technique, training with the Milon Circle is a lot less prone to injury than training with free weights."



"Since January 18, I have lost almost 10 kilos of FAT: I notice it in my stomach (which I no longer have)..."



"In 2 rounds on the Milon Circle a complete workout for all muscle groups."


Jouw voordelen van de 100 kg Afslankchallenge

Your benefits of the 100 kg Weight Loss Challenge

With this unique weight loss challenge you will feel fitter, stronger, slimmer and better in your skin within 8 weeks

✅ You feel fitter and have more energy

✅‌ You will receive a compliment from family or friends

✅ You will be able to move more easily

✅ Your clothes are more comfortable


25 members can participate, will you accept the challenge?

Yes, I want to know more!